When a friend alerted me to a charity art auction taking place at her local library, I knew I wanted to participate by donating a piece. The auction was to raise funds for the local branch of Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library.
My family are library people. Libraries have “kept my kids in books” when no way would we have been able to afford them. A few years ago my boys and I completed the Mid-York library tour, visiting every library in the Mid-York system over the course of a summer. And it was at my local library that I first delved into watercolor, taking part in a FREE five-week workshop with a wonderful teacher. Those are just a few ways libraries have been significant for us.
Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library is also a program that is near and dear to my heart. Kids receive FREE books each month from birth to five years old, mailed right to their door. Any and all kids…as long as the funds are there. I so enjoyed partaking in this program with my younger son, and was delighted to help support it.
As much as I really wanted to do this, it took me some time to think of any idea for my painting. Artist’s block! Finally, I remembered a photo I had saved on my phone. Someone I don’t know in one of my online watercolor groups shared her photo of peonies along with her permission for any artist to paint it. I thought the lighting and composition were just beautiful, and I was so grateful that she shared the image.
The kindness of a stranger inspired my art, and the kindness of strangers makes programs like Imagination Library possible.
“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.”
If you would like to help, you can make a donation to support Imagination Library here.
Size: 9″ x 12″
Medium: Watercolor on Paper
Completed: October 2024